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Applied Mathematics

Ladeinde, F. 2024. “Applications of Complex Variables: Asymptotics and Integral Transforms,” 600 pages, DeGruyter Publishers, Berlin, Germany (Founded in 1749). This is a graduate textbook in Applied Mathematics. ISBN:  978-3-11-135090-5. Publication Date: May 6, 2024. (Link)

Abdullah Al Muti Sharfuddin, Ladeinde, F. Liu, Y., Yang, F., Lin, M., Lopez-Marrero, V., Yu, K., Zhang, T, and Aatif, M., “Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulence-Cloud-Aerosol Interactions,” Accepted. AIAA 2024 Forum. 8-12 January 2024.

Liu, Y., Zhang, T., Yu, K.-M., Lopez-Marrero, V., Sharfuddin, A., Lin, M., Li, L., Yang, F., Atif, M., and Ladeinde, F., “Using HPC/AI-accelerated particle-resolved direct numerical simulation model to study microphysics-turbulence interactions in clouds.” 2023 The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)   (IUGG) Meeting in Berlin. 11-20 July 2023.

Atif​, M., López-Marrero​, V., Zhang​, T., Sharfuddin​, A., Yu, K, Yang​, J., Yang​, F., Ladeinde, F., Liu​, Y. Lin​, M. and Li L., “Neural operator models for accelerating particle-resolved direct numerical simulations.” CoDA 2023 Poster. 7-9 March 2023.

Zhang, T., Li, L., Lopez-Marrero, V., Liu, Y., Yang, F., Lin, M., Yu, K.-M., Yang, J., Atif, M., Sharfuddin, A., and Ladeinde, F., “Accelerating dynamical fields in particle-resolved direct numerical simulation using physics-informed neural operator.” American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA,. 11-15 December 2023.

Yang, J., Atif, M., Lopez-Marrero, V., Zhang, T., Yu, K.-M., Lin, M., Li, L., Yang, F., Liu, Y., Sharfuddin, A. and Ladeinde, F. “Towards enabling digital twins capabilities for a cloud chamber.” Submitted to The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. CS 23, 12-17 Nov 2023, Denver, Colorado.

Sharfuddin, A. M., Ladeinde, F. “A Particle-Based Direct Numerical Simulation Model for Turbulence-Cloud-Aerosol Interactions,” AIAA Aviation Forum, Paper AIAA 2023-4415, 12-16 June 2023, San Diego, CA, (Link)

Atif​, M., López-Marrero​, V., Zhang​, T., Sharfuddin​, A., Yu, K, Yang​, J., Yang​, F., Ladeinde, F., Liu​, Y., Lin​, M., and Li, L., “Towards​ Accelerating Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical​ Simulation with Neural Operators,” Journal of the ​Proceedings of the CoDA, December 2023. Journal 2023; 00:1–10, 2023. (Link)

Ladeinde, F. and Oh, H., “Stochastic and spectra contents of detonation initiated by compressible turbulence thermodynamic fluctuation,” Physics of Fluids 33, 045111 (2021); (Link) 

Ladeinde, F., Givi, P. and Dopazo, C. “Preface to Special Issue: In Memory of Edward E. (Ted) O’Brien,” Physics of Fluids 33, 080402 (2021); (download PDF) 

Dopazo, C., Givi, P. and Ladeinde, F., “Edward E. O’Brien Contributions to Reactive-Flow Turbulence,” Physics of Fluids 33, 080403 (2021); (download PDF) 

Sharfuddin, A. M. and Ladeinde, F., “Level Set Modeling of Three-Dimensional Supersonic Liquid Breakup Using the Method of Characteristics,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 9-11 August 2021, Denver, CO, Paper AIAA-2021-3629,  (Link)

Oh, H. and Ladeinde, F., “Probability density distribution in detonation initiated by compressible turbulent thermodynamic fluctuations,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 9-11 August 2021, Denver, CO, Paper AIAA-2021-3614,  (Link)


Ladeinde, F., Oh, H., and Somnic, J., “Supersonic Combustion Heat Flux in a Rotating Detonation Engine,” Acta Astronautica, Vol. 203, pp. 226-245 (2023); (Link)

Ladeinde, F. and Oh, H., “Comparison of 2D and 3D Supersonic Combustion Simulation Results in a Rotating Detonation Engine,” AIAA Aviation Forum, Paper AIAA 2023-4387, 12-16 June 2023, San Diego, CA, (Link) 

Ladeinde, F., “The Theory of Supersonic Combustion Turbulence in the Rotating Detonation Engine,” Paper AIAA-2022-4036), AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, June 27-July 1, 2022, Chicago, IL and & Virtual, (Link)

Ladeinde, F. and Oh, H., “Comparative Heat and Mass Transfer in a Rotating Detonation Engine Model,” Paper AIAA-2022-3622, AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, June 27-July 1, 2022, Chicago, IL and & Virtual, (Link)

Ladeinde, F., Oh, HyeJin, and Somnic, Jacobs, “Supersonic Combustion Heat Flux in an RDE Model,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 9-11 August 2021, Denver, CO, Paper AIAA-2021-3646, (Link) 

Oh, H. and Ladeinde, F., “High-Speed Drag Models for Supersonic Spray Combustion Application,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 9-11 August 2021, Denver, CO, Paper AIAA-2021-3527,  (Link) 

Ladeinde, F., “Pressure Effects in Supersonic Combustor,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 9-11 August 2021, Denver, CO, Paper AIAA-2021-3534, (Link) 

Ladeinde, F., “The Effects of Isolator Length on Combustion in a Scramjet Engine Model,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum, 24-28 August 2020, Virtual Event, Paper AIAA 2020-3711 (2020), (Link)

Ladeinde, F. “Progress in Supersonic Spray Combustion Modeling,” AIAA SciTech 2020 Forum 6-10 January 2020, Orlando, FL, Paper AIAA 2020-0874, (2020), (Link) 

Ladeinde, F. and Somnic, J., “On the Heat Flux Distributions from Supersonic Combustion in a Rotating Detonation Engine Model,” AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 6-10 January 2020, Orlando, FL, Paper AIAA 2020-0203 (2020), (Link)

Ladeinde, F., “A Theory for Momentum, Energy, and Mass Transport in Supersonic Spray Combustion,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, 19-22 August 2019, Indianapolis, IN Paper AIAA 2019-4269, (2019),  (Link).

Li, W. and Ladeinde, F., “Flame Sustainability and Thermal Choking Study of Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen, Methane, and Ethylene, AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, 19-22 August 2019, Indianapolis, IN, Paper AIAA 2019-4272 (2019), (Link) 

Ladeinde, F., “Effects of Momentum Flux Ratio on Combustion in the Hyshot Scramjet Engine,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, 19-22 August 2019, Indianapolis, IN, Paper AIAA 2019-4419, (2019), (Link) 

Somnic, J. and Ladeinde, F. “An Assessment of Techniques for Calculating RDEs,” AIAA SciTech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California, Paper AIAA 2019-0751 (2019) (Link)

Ladeinde, F., “Evaluating the Correlations for Supersonic Spray Combustion,” AIAA SciTech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California, Paper AIAA 2019-0125,  (2019) (Link)

Ladeinde, F., “Distinguishing Characteristics of Thermally- and Mechanically-Generated Backpressure,” AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California, Paper AIAA 2019-0677, (2019), (Link)

Ladeinde, F., Lou, Z., and Li, W., “The effects of pressure treatment on the flamelet modeling of supersonic combustion,” Combustion and Flame, Vol. 204, June 2019, pp. 414-429, (Link)

Ladeinde, F., Lou, Z., and Li, W., “The effects of pressure treatment on the flamelet modeling of supersonic combustion,” Combustion and Flame, Vol. 204, June 2019, pp. 414-429.

Ladeinde, F. and Li, W., “Differential Turbulent Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen, Methane, and Ethylene, without Assisted Ignition, AIAA Journal, Vol. 56 (12), December 2018,  (Link)

Ladeinde, F., Cai, X., Agarwal, R., “A Methodology for Hybrid Simulation of Rarefied and Continuum Flow Regimes,” (Elsevier) Aerospace Science and Technology (Journal), Vol. 75, pp. 115-127, (2018), (download PDF)

Ladeinde, F. & Lou, Zhipeng, “Improved Flamelet Modeling of Supersonic Combustion,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2018, pp. 750-762, (Link)

Ladeinde, F. and Li, W., “Differential Turbulent Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen, Methane, and Ethylene, without Assisted Ignition, AIAA Journal, Vol. 56 (12), December 2018.

Ladeinde, F., Cai, X., Agarwal, R., “A Methodology for Hybrid Simulation of Rarefied and Continuum Flow Regimes,” (Elsevier) Aerospace Science and Technology (Journal), Vol. 75, pp. 115-127, (2018).

Ladeinde, F. & Lou, Zhipeng, “Improved Flamelet Modeling of Supersonic Combustion,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2018, pp. 750-762, (2018).

Ha, J.-H, Das, R., Ladeinde, F. , Kim, T.-H., Kim, H.-D., “Numerical Study on Mode Transition in a Scramjet Engine, Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers,” Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 21-31, (2017).

Li, W., Lou, Z. and Ladeinde, F., “Comparison of Flamelet and Transported Species-based Modeling of Scramjet Combustor,” AIAA Paper 2017-4745, July 2017.

Ladeinde, F. Lou, Z, and Lou, W, “New Results for Pressure Modeling of Supersonic Combustion,” Accepted AIAA Paper 2017-4744, July 2017.

Ladeinde, F. Lou, Z. and Kim, H.-D., “An Improved Supersonic Combustion Analysis Procedure for Scramjets,” Paper TFEC9-1650, Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Liquids Engineering Conference, October 28-30, 2017, Okinawa, Japan
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Rajarshi Das, Foluso Ladeinde, and Heuy Dong Kim., “Combustor- Isolator Interactions during Mode Transitions in a Scramjet Engine,” Submitted to ISABE 2017.

Das, R., Ladeinde, F. & Kim, H.-D., “Isolator Flow Response to Scramjet-Ramjet Mode Transition in a Scramjet Engine,” ISABE-2017-2166, September 2017.
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Ladeinde, F. & Lou, Z. 2017. Pressure Treatment in the Flamelet Modeling of Turbulent Supersonic Combustion. AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit; AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2017), Paper AIAA 2017-0342, 9 – 13 Jan 2017, Grapevine, Texas.

Ladeinde, F., Lou, Z., Kim, H.-D. & Das, R. 2017.o Studies on Leading Edge Detection in Mechanically- and Combustion-Generated Shock Trains in Dual-Mode Scramjet Engines, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit; AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2017), Paper AIAA 2017-0556, 9 – 13 Jan 2017, Grapevine, Texas.

Ladeinde, F. & Lou, Z. 2016. Scaling of Flamelet Calculation of Turbulent Supersonic Combustion. AIAA Propulsion and Energy, Paper AIAA-2016-4567, Salt Lake City, UT., July 2016.

Jeong Ho Ha, Foluso Ladeinde, and Heuy Dong Kim. 2016. “Numerical Study on the Mode Transition of Scramjet Engine,” Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME), December 2016.
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Rajarshi Das, Foluso Ladeinde, and Heuy Dong Kim., “Isolator Flow Dynamics during Mode – Transition in a Model Scramjet,” 9th National Congress on Fluids Eng, Deagu, Aug. 2016.

The Effects of Pipe Geometry on Fluid Flow in a Muon Collider Particle Production System
Zhan, Y., Ladeinde, F., Kirk, H. G., & McDonald, K. T., Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2014
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Analysis of Interacting, Underexpanded, Rarefied Jets
AIAA Journal, Vol.49, No.11, pp.2581, Nov 2011
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Advanced Computational-Fluid-Dynamics Techniques for Scramjet Combustion Simulation
AIAA Journal, Vol.48, No.3, pp.513, Mar 2010
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Analysis of Interacting, Under-Expanded, Rarefied Jets
AIAA 2010-0967, 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Jul 2010
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An Integrated RANS-PSE-Wave Packet Tool for the Prediction of Subsonic and Supersonic Jet Noise
AIAA 2010-4021, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2010
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A 4-MW Target Station for a Muon Collider or Neutrino Factory
Proceedings of IPAC’10, 2010
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Supersonic Jet Noise from Round and Chevron Nozzles: Experimental Studies
AIAA 2009-3257, 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 2009
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A Critical Review of Scramjet Combustion Simulation
AIAA 2009-127, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2009
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Towards Prediction and Control of Large Scale Turbulent Structure Supersonic Jet Noise
In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, 2009.
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Optical Diagnostics of Mercury Jet for an Intense Proton Target
Rev. Sco. Instrum., Vol. 79, 2008
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Further Development of a High-Order Prediction Tool for Combustion at All Speeds
AIAA 2008-510, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2008
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Performance of WENO Scheme in Generalized Curvilinear Coordinate Systems
AIAA 2008-36, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2008
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On the Connection between Near-field and Far-field Solutions of High-Speed Jet Noise
AIAA 2008-11, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2008
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Hybrid LES/RANS Calculation of High Speed Jet Noise
AIAA 2007-3870, 37th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, Jun 2007
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A Combined Level-Set/Mixture Fraction/Progress-Variable Approach for Partially-Premixed Turbulent Reacting Flows
AIAA 2007-1436, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2007
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High-Order Dynamic Overset Procedure Applied to Moving Body Calculations
AIAA 2007-248, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2007
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Towards Predicting Supersonic, Hot Jet Noise
AIAA 2007-826, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2007
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A Comparison Of Empirical And CFD-Based Exergy Modelling For The Airframe Subsystem Of Aircraft Design
ICAS 2006-615 Int. Council of Aero. Sci., 2006
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A High-Fidelity Level-Set Flamelet Approach for Predicting Turbulent Reacting Flows
AIAA 2006-5090, 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, July 2006
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Assessing CFD Modeling on Entropy Generation for the Air Frame Subsystem in an Integrated Aircraft Design/Synthesis Procedure
AIAA 2006-0587, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2006
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Comparative Advantages of High-Order Schemes for Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Flows
AIAA 2006-0299, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2006
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An Evaluation of the Partially-Resolved Numerical Simulation Procedure for Near-Wall Performance
AIAA 2006-0115, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2006
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Level-Set Flamelet/Large-Eddy Simulation of a Premixed Augmentor Flame Holder
AIAA 2006-0156, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2006
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Simulation and Analysis of Rarefied Parallel Interacting Jets
AIAA 2006-1192, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2006
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The First High-Order CFD Simulation of Aircraft: Challenges and Opportunities
AIAA 2006-1526, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2006
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The Implementation of Influence Boundary Procedures in CFD
AIAA 2006-1088, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2006
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The Flow of a Power-Law Fluid in the Near-Wake of a Flat Plate
Physics of Fluids, Vol. 18, 2006
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An Evaluation of the Partially-Resolved Numerical Simulation Procedure for Near-Wall Turbulence Prediction
Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 24th International Symposium, pp. 535, 2005
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On the Stability of Higher-Order Continuum (HOC) Equations for Hybrid HOC/DSMC Solvers
Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 24th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. Vol.762. 2005
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A Comparison of Two POD Methods for Airfoil Design Optimization
AIAA 2005-4912, 35th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, June 2005
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Magnetic Reynolds Number Effects in Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Physics of Fluids, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 2097, Jun 2004
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Parallel, high-order overset grid implementation for supersonic flows
AIAA 2004-0437, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2004
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Effect of Free-Stream Turbulence on Turbine Blade Heat Transfer and Pressure Coefficients in Low Reynolds Number Flows
Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.47, pp.3441-3452, 2004
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Parallel Implementation of Curvilinear High-order Formulas
Int. J. of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Dec 2003
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Second Order Nonlinear Spatial Stability Analysis of Compressible Mixing Layers
Physics of Fluids, Vol.14, No.9, pp.2968, 2002
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Ladeinde, Foluso, X. D. Cai, Balu Sekar, and Barry Kiel. “Application of Combined LES and Flamelet to Modeling Methane, Propane, and Jet a Combustion.” AIAA Paper 634 (2001): 2001.
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Turbulence spectra characteristics of high order schemes for direct and large eddy simulation
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 36(2001)
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Parallel Computation of Complex Aeroacoustic Systems
AIAA 2001-1118, 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2001
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Performance of Subgrid Flamelet Model in LES of Reacting, Turbulent Flows
Defense Technical Information Center, 2001
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DNS Evaluation of Chemistry Models for Compressible Non-Premixed Flames
AIAA 99-0413, 1999
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Advection of Mass Fraction in Forced, Homogeneous, Compressible Turbulence
Physics of Fluids, Vol.10, No.9, pp.2249, 1998
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Turbulence in Compressible Mixing Layers
Transactions of the ASME, Vol.120, , pp.48, 1998
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Thermodynamic Behavior in Decaying, Compressible Turbulence with Initially Dominant Temperature Fluctuations
Physics of Fluids, Vol.9, No.6, pp.1754, 1997
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Uniform Mean Scalar Gradient in Grid Turbulence: Asymptotic Probability Distribution of a Passive Scalar
Physics of Fluids, Vol.8, No.9, pp.2555, 1996
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Supersonic Flux-Split Procedure for Second Moments of Turbulence
AIAA Journal, Vol.33, No.7, pp.1185, Jul 1995
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Advection by Polytropic Compressible Turbulence
Physics of Fluids, Vol.7, No.11, pp.2848, 1995
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Calculation of Reynolds Stresses in Turbulent Supersonic Flows
Int. J. Num. Methods in Fluids, Vol.21, pp.49-74, 1995
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The Calculation of Scalar Transport During the Injection Molding of Thermoset Polymers
Appl. Math. Modelling, Vol.18, pp.347, 1994
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Convection in a Rotating, Horizontal Cylinder with Radial and Normal Gravity Forces
J. Fluid Mech., Vol.228, pp.361-385, 1991
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Galerkin Finite Element Simulation of Convection Driven by Rotation and Gravitation
Int, J. Num. Methods in Fluids, Vol.10, pp.47-77, 1990
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Transient Plumes from Convective Flow Instability in Horizontal Cylinders
J. Thermophysics, Vol.4, No.3, pp.350, 1990
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Ladeinde, F., Muley, A., Stoia, M., Ek, G., Alabi, K., Li, W., “Experimental measurements and mathematical modeling of cold plate for aviation thermal management,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 191 (2022) 122810, (Link)

Ladeinde, F., “Reduced-Order Computational-Fluid-Dynamics-Based Analysis of Aviation Heat Exchangers,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 34 (4), October, 2022. (Link)

Ladeinde, F., “An Assessment of Dynamic and Steady State Solutions of Two-Phase Flows in a Radiator Heat Exchanger,” Paper AIAA-2022-3879, AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, June 27-July 1, 2022, Chicago, IL and & Virtual, (Link)

Ladeinde, F., “Comprehensive Analysis of the Cold Plate Aviation Thermal Management Device,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 9-11 August 2021, Denver, CO, Paper AIAA-2021-3717, (Link)

Ladeinde, F., “Differential Performance of Seven Compact Heat Exchangers for Aviation Thermal Management,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 9-11 August 2021, Denver, CO, Paper AIAA-2021-33710,  (Link)

Ladeinde, F., “Reduced-Order Computational-Fluid-Dynamics-Based Analysis of Aviation Heat Exchangers,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 34 (4), October 2020.

Ladeinde, F., Alabi, K., and Li, W., “Optimization and Database Management in Smart Modeling of Aviation Heat Exchangers,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 33 (4), October 2019.

Ladeinde, F., Alabi, K., and Li, W., “Optimization and Database Management in Smart Modeling of Aviation Heat Exchangers,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 33 (4), October 2019, (Link)

Ladeinde, F., “New Results from Reduced-Order CFD-Based Multi-Rating of Aviation Heat Exchangers,” AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum, 19-22 August 2019, Indianapolis, IN, Paper AIAA 2019-4459, (2019) (Link).

Ladeinde, F., Alabi, and Li, W., “Reduced-Order CFD-Based Multi-Rating of Aviation Heat Exchangers,” AIAA SciTech 2019 Forum,  7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California, Paper AIAA 2019-1560, (2019) (Link) 

Ladeinde, F., Alabi, K. and Li, W., “A Smart Software Tool for Aviation Heat Exchanger Analysis and Optimization,” 2018 International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, July 9-11, 2018, Cincinnati, Ohio, Paper AIAA 2018-4885, (2019), (Link) 

Ladeinde, F., Alabi, K., Li, W., “Optimization of Heat Exchange in Manifold-Microchannel Grooves,” ASME Journal of Heat Transfer. Sep 2018, Vol. 140 (9): 092403 (9 pages) (Link)

Ladeinde, F., Alabi, K., Li, W., “Optimization of Heat Exchange in Manifold-Microchannel Grooves,” ASME Journal of Heat Transfer. Sep 2018, Vol. 140 (9): 092403

Ladeinde, F., Alabi, K. and Li, W., “GA-Based Optimization of Compact Plate Heat Exchangers with Manifold-Microchannel Groves,” ASME Paper HT2017-4901, July 2017.
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Li, W., Alabi, K. and Ladeinde, F., “Comparison of 30 Boiling and Condensation Correlations for Two-Phase Flows in Compact Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers,” ASME Paper HT2017-4907, July 2017.
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A New Procedure for Two-Phase Thermal Analysis of Multi-Pass Industrial Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers
Compact Heat Exchangers and Enhancement Technology for the Process Industries, pp.437-444, 2001
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CFD Applications In the HVAC&R Industry
ASHRAE Journal, Vol.39, No.1, pp.44, Jan 1997
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A Procedure for Advection and Diffusion in Thin Cavities
Comp. Mechanics, Vol.15, pp.511-520, 1995
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Utilizing CFD-Based Exergy Calculations in the Design/Optimization of a Complete Aircraft System
AIAA 2007-1130, 45th AIAA Aerosace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, Jan 2007
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An Advanced Exergy and Energy Simulation Tool for Large-Scale Design/Optimization of Aerospace Systems
AIAA 2007-4054, 39th AIAA Thermophysics Conference, Jun 2007
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Accessing CFD Modeling of Entropy Generation for the Air Frame Subsystem in an Integrated Aircraft Design/Synthesis
AIAA 2006-587, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Jan 2006
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The Use of the 2nd Law as a Potential Design Tool for Aircraft Air Frame Subsystems
Int. J. of Thermodynamics, Vol.9, No.4, pp.1-14, Dec 2006
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A Comparison of Empirical and CFD-Based Exergy Modelling for the Airframe Subsystem of Aircraft Design
25th Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Sep 2006
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Submarine and Terrestrial Fibre-Optic Cabling in Continental Africa
Ladeinde, F. 2013. Issue 4 Vol. I; May 2013, pp. 47
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