This is your one-stop software suite for modern heat exchanger thermal management analysis in data centers and the aviation, automotive, and HVAC industries.
Heat Conduction (manual)Conduction (test problems)External Flow (manual)External Flow (test problems)Fin & Fin Arrays (manual)Fin & Fin Arrays (test problems)Internal Flow (manual)Internal Flow (test problems)Tube Bank (manual)Tube Bank (test problems)
Shell & Tube (manual)Shell & Tube (sample problems)Concentric Tubes (manual)Concentric Tubes (sample problems)Plate-Fin (manual)Plate-Fin (sample problems)Plate-Frame (manual & sample problems)
Database (manual)
Series Piping (manual)Series Piping (test problems)INSTED CFD: Mesh Generator (manual)INSTED CFD: Solver (manual)INSTED CFD: Post Processing (manual)INSTED CFD (test problem)