The tool supports more than a hundred kinds of units, which are grouped as follows:
Dimension (angle, area, length, time, and volume)
Electricity (electric capacitance, electric charge, electric conductance, electric current, electric field strength, electric inductance, electric potential, electric resistance)
Energy (energy/work, energy flux, energy per unit area, energy per unit mass (specific energy), enthalpy, fouling factor, heat transfer coefficient, power, power per unit mass (specific power), power per unit volume (power density), specific heat, entropy, temperature, temperature interval, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal resistance, volumetric coefficient of expansion)
Kinematics and dynamics (acceleration, angular acceleration, density, force, force per unit mass, mass, moment, momentum, angular momentum, moment of force/torque, moment of inertia, pressure, specific volume, velocity, angular velocity, frequency, wavelength, wave number)