Convergent-Divergent Duct Problem

Problem Description

The duct test problem has been taken from Refs. [1-4]. Our predictions, in comparison with the experimental measurements, are shown in the next subsection. The agreement is excellent for the quantities compared. Details are presented below.

The physical domain has dimensions as shown in Fig. 1, where hthr = 0.14435 ft is used as the dimensional length scale. This provides a Mach number of 0.46 at inlet and a Reynolds number of 687,810.4.

Figure 1 Physical domain for converging-diverging duct calculation

The inlet total pressure and outlet pressures are 19.58 psi and 16.05 psi, respectively, with non-dimensional values of 3.37564 and 3.19983, respectively. The total temperature is 500oR. The density at the inlet is fixed at a non-dimensional value of 1.0. A non-dimensional velocity u = 1.0is applied at the inlet, while no-slip boundary conditions are imposed at the top and bottom walls. Dirichlet pressure boundary conditions are applied at the inlet and outlet, while zero Neumann boundary conditions are applied at the outlet for the other flow variables.


An 81 x 51 grid was used to calculate flow through the duct with grid clustering in the vicinity of solid walls.  The mesh geometry is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Computational Mesh

Simulation Parameters

Table 1. Simulation Parameters

Obtain the Files

Both mesh files and project input files can be accessed below. Remember to place the grid files in a subfolder with the set up file /cdvduct.

Setup file

Start the Simulation

Change the directory to the subfolder with the set up file. Start the simulation by

mpirun –np 1 mpiaeroflo.exe <

Simulation Results

Figures 3, 4 and 5 are the Mach number contours for the MUSCL, WENO 33 and WENO 34 results.

Comparison of Different Spatial Scheme

Figures 6 and 7 show the surface pressure distribution for different spatial schemes on the bottom wall and top walls, respectively. The results are also compared with experimental results.

Convergence Performance

Figure 8 compares the computation convergence speed for three spatial schemes.
Table 1. Simulation Parameters

CFL Test

Table 1. Simulation Parameters


  1. Bogar, T. J., Sajben, M., and Kroutil, J. C. (1983) “Characteristic Frequencies of Transonic Diffuser Flow Oscillations,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 21, No. 9, pp. 1232-1240.
  2. Bogar, T. J. (1986) “Structure of Self-Excited Oscillations in Transonic Diffuser Flows,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 54-61.
  3. Chen, C. P., Sajben, M., and Kroutil, J. C. (1979) “Shock Wave Oscillations in a Transonic Diffuser Flow,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 1076-1083.
  4. Sajben, M., Bogar, T. J., and Kroutil, J. C. (1984) “Forced Oscillation Experiments in Supercritical Diffuser Flows,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 465-474.
  5. Salmon, J. T., Bogar, T. J., and Sajben, M. (1983) “Laser Doppler Velocimeter Measurements in Unsteady, Separated Transonic Diffuser Flows,” Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 1690-1697.

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